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"user_required" : "userpwd_required") ; if(msgcode != '') { this.showErrorMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode(msgcode)); return;} //this.hideElementByJq('#longdologin-form-ajax'); this.disableButtonOnLoginForm(); this.hideErrorMsgLongdoLogin() if (!target) { target = false; } if (!destination) { destination = false; } else { destination = encodeURIComponent(destination); } this.jq.ajax({ url: '//login.loga.app/action/login/', dataType: "json", type: "POST", data: {'username': username_val, 'pass': password_val, 'getuser': 1}, success: function( response ) { document.longdoaccount.login_ajax_callback(response, destination, target) }, beforeSend: function(xhr){ xhr.withCredentials = true; }, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: true }); //document.longdoaccount.jsonp.json_request('//login.loga.app/action/login', 'username='+encodeURIComponent(username_val)+'&pass='+encodeURIComponent(password_val)+'&getuser=1', 'rs', 'document.longdoaccount.login_ajax_callback(rs)'); } this.forgotpwd_ajax = function() { var username_val = ''; if(this.jq('.pp-longdocom #username-ajax')) username_val = this.jq('.pp-longdocom #username-ajax').val(); var msgcode = username_val != '' ? '' : "user_required"; if(msgcode != '') { this.showErrorMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode(msgcode)); return;} //this.hideElementByJq('#longdologin-form-ajax'); this.disableButtonOnLoginForm(); this.hideErrorMsgLongdoLogin() document.longdoaccount.jsonp.json_request('//login.loga.app/action/forgotpwd', 'username='+encodeURIComponent(username_val), 'rs', 'document.longdoaccount.forgotpwd_ajax_callback(rs)'); } this.getMessageByMsgCode = function(code, arg) { var en = (this.mylang == 'en'); if (typeof(arg) == 'undefined') { arg = ''; } switch (code) { case "forgotpwd_completed": if(arg && arg != '') { arg = '
'; } return (en ? "Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address{email}" : "ระบบได้ส่งขั้นตอนการเข้าสู่ระบบให้ท่านทางอีเมลเรียบร้อยแล้ว{email}").replace('{email}', arg);; case "forgotpwd_notfound": return en ? "Sorry, invalid a username or an e-mail address" : "ไม่พบชื่อผู้ใช้ หรือ อีเมลนี้ในระบบ"; case "forgotpwd_wait": return en ? "Please wait for 1 minute after last request" : "กรุณารอ 1 นาทีก่อนทำการร้องขอ E-mail อีกครั้ง"; case "socialmail_found": return en ? "You already have a Loga account,
please enter your Loga password" : "ระบบพบว่าท่านเคยมีบัญชีผู้ใช้ Loga อยู่แล้ว
โปรดใส่รหัสผ่าน Loga"; case "socialmail_regist": return en ? "Please enter new password for create new Loga account" : "กรุณากรอกรหัสผ่านใหม่ เพื่อสร้างบัญชีผู้ใช้กับ Loga"; case "fbmail_invalid": return en ? "Invalid Facebook e-mail address" : "อีเมลของ Facebook ไม่ถูกต้อง"; case "userpwd_incorrect": return en ? "The username or password is incorrect" : "ชื่อผู้ใช้ หรือ รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง"; case "regist_fail": return en ? "Failed to register, Please try again" : "ลงทะเบียนไม่สำเร็จ โปรดลองใหม่อีกครั้ง"; case "connecting_fb": return en ? "Connecting with Facebook .." : "กำลังเชื่อมต่อ Facebook .."; case "pwd_required": return en ? "Password is required" : "โปรดระบุรหัสผ่าน"; case "user_required": return en ? "Username/E-mail address is required" : "โปรดระบุชื่อผู้ใช้/อีเมลผู้ใช้"; case "userpwd_required": return en ? "Username/E-mail address and Password are required" : "โปรดระบุชื่อผู้ใช้/อีเมลผู้ใช้ และ รหัสผ่าน"; case "longdocom_failed": return en ? "Loga is not available right now. Please try again later" : "Loga อยู่ในระหว่างการพัฒนาระบบ/เกิดข้อผิดหลาด กรุณาลองใหม่ภายหลัง"; case "signin": return en ? "Sign In" : "เข้าสู่ระบบ"; case "forgotpwd": return en ? "Forgot Password" : "ลืมรหัสผ่าน"; case "register": return en ? "Register" : "ลงทะเบียน"; case "signup": return en ? "Sign Up" : "สมัครบัญชีผู้ใช้"; case "userormail": return en ? "Username / E-mail Address" : "ชื่อผู้ใช้ / อีเมลผู้ใช้"; case "userormailortel": return en ? "Username / E-mail / Mobile phone no." : "ชื่อผู้ใช้ / อีเมล / เบอร์มือถือ"; case "pwd": return en ? "Password" : "รหัสผ่าน"; case "signin_via": return en ? "Or sign in using" : "หรือเข้าสู่ระบบโดย"; case "mail_newpwd": return en ? "E-mail New Password" : "ขอรหัสผ่านใหม่ทางอีเมล"; case "user_not_activated": if(arg && arg != '') { arg = '
'; } return (en ? "Your account is not activated.
Please check your e-mail to activate your account.{email}Resend Activation Email" : "บัญชีของท่านยังไม่ได้ทำการยืนยันอีเมล
กรุณาตรวจสอบอีเมล และยืนยันบัญชีผู้ใช้{email}ให้ระบบส่งอีเมลยืนยันอีกครั้ง").replace("{email}", arg).replace("{plainemail}", arg.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/^\s*\(/, '').replace(/\)$/, '')); //case "": // return en ? "" : // ""; default: return code; } } //this.resend_activation_mail = function(ele) { // if (!ele.uid) { // this.consoleLog('Unknown UID.'); // return; // } // // document.longdoaccount.jsonp.json_request('//login.loga.app/action/resendactivationmail', 'uid='+ele.uid, 'rs', 'document.longdoaccount.resend_activation_mail_callback(rs)'); //} this.forgotpwd_ajax_callback = function(rs) { this.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); if (validateEmail(rs)) { // success, return e-mail this.showInfoMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode("forgotpwd_completed", rs)); this.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); } else if (rs == "forgotpwd_notfound") { // user not found this.showErrorMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode(rs)); this.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); } else if (rs == "forgotpwd_wait") { // user not found this.showErrorMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode(rs)); this.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); } else { this.showErrorMsgLongdoComFailed(); this.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); } } this.socialregist_ajax = function() { var username_val = ''; if(this.jq('.pp-longdocom #username-ajax')) username_val = this.jq('.pp-longdocom #username-ajax').val(); else if(this.jq('#username-ajax')) username_val = this.jq('#username-ajax').val(); var pwd_val = ''; if(this.jq('.pp-longdocom #pass-ajax')) pwd_val = this.jq('.pp-longdocom #pass-ajax').val(); else if(this.jq('#pass-ajax')) pwd_val = this.jq('#pass-ajax').val(); var msgcode = username_val != '' ? '' : "user_required"; if (!pwd_val) { if (msgcode != '') { msgcode = "userpwd_required"; } else { msgcode = "pwd_required"; } } if(msgcode != '') { this.showErrorMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode(msgcode)); return;} //this.hideElementByJq('#longdologin-form-ajax'); this.disableButtonOnLoginForm(); this.hideErrorMsgLongdoLogin() var params = document.longdoaccount.getSocialParam('obj'); params['email'] = username_val; params['pwd'] = pwd_val; this.jq.ajax({ url: '//login.loga.app/action/socialregist/', dataType: "json", type: "POST", data: params, success: function( response ) { document.longdoaccount.socialregist_ajax_callback(response); }, beforeSend: function(xhr){ xhr.withCredentials = true; }, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: true }); //document.longdoaccount.jsonp.json_request('//login.loga.app/action/socialregist', 'email='+username_val+'&pwd='+pwd_val+document.longdoaccount.getSocialParam(), 'rs', 'document.longdoaccount.socialregist_ajax_callback(rs)'); } this.login_callback_customize = function(uid) { uid = parseInt(uid, 10); if (this.jq && this.jq.prettyPhotoLongdoHook && typeof(this.jq.prettyPhotoLongdoHook.login_callback) == 'function') { try { this.jq.prettyPhotoLongdoHook.login_callback(uid); } catch (ex) { this.consoleLog(ex); window.location.reload(true); } finally { this.jq.prettyPhotoLongdoHook.close(); } } else { window.location.reload(true); } } this.socialregist_ajax_callback = function(rs) { rs = parseInt(rs, 10); if (rs > 0) { this.login_callback_customize(rs); } else if (rs == 0) { this.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); this.showErrorMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode('regist_fail')); } else { this.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); this.showErrorMsgLongdoComFailed(); } } this.socialconnect_ajax = function() { var username_val = ''; if(this.jq('#username-ajax')) username_val = this.jq('#username-ajax').val(); var pwd_val = ''; if(this.jq('#pass-ajax')) pwd_val = this.jq('#pass-ajax').val(); var msgcode = username_val != '' ? '' : "user_required"; if (!pwd_val) { if (msgcode != '') { msgcode = "userpwd_required"; } else { msgcode = "pwd_required"; } } if(msgcode != '') { this.showErrorMsgLongdoLogin(this.getMessageByMsgCode(msgcode)); return;} this.disableButtonOnLoginForm(); //this.hideElementByJq('#longdologin-form-ajax'); this.hideErrorMsgLongdoLogin() var params = document.longdoaccount.getSocialParam('obj'); params['username'] = username_val; params['pass'] = pwd_val; params['getuser'] = 1; this.jq.ajax({ url: '//login.loga.app/action/login/', dataType: "json", type: "POST", data: params, success: function( response ) { document.longdoaccount.login_ajax_callback(response) }, beforeSend: function(xhr){ xhr.withCredentials = true; }, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: true }); //document.longdoaccount.jsonp.json_request('//login.loga.app/action/login', 'username='+encodeURIComponent(username_val)+'&pass='+encodeURIComponent(pwd_val)+document.longdoaccount.getSocialParam()+'&getuser=1', 'rs', 'document.longdoaccount.login_ajax_callback(rs)'); } this.checksocialmail_ajax_callback = function(rs) { if (rs && rs.username) { if (rs.connected && rs.uid > 0) { this.login_callback_customize(rs.uid); } else { // request pwd for connect social account (Should not be in this case) document.longdoaccount.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); document.longdoaccount.showPrettyPhotoPopup('/socialconnect?username='+rs.username, { changepicturecallback: function() { document.longdoaccount.showInfoMsgLongdoLogin(document.longdoaccount.getMessageByMsgCode('socialmail_found')); }, login_callback: document.longdoaccount.login_callback_customize }); } } else { document.longdoaccount.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); document.longdoaccount.showPrettyPhotoPopup('/socialregist?username='+rs.email, { changepicturecallback: function() { document.longdoaccount.showInfoMsgLongdoLogin(document.longdoaccount.getMessageByMsgCode('socialmail_regist')); }, login_callback: document.longdoaccount.login_callback_customize }); } } this.loadPrettyPhoto = function() { loadjscssfile('//login.loga.app//api/prettyPhoto/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js', 'js'); loadjscssfile('//login.loga.app//api/css/prettyPhoto.css', 'css'); } this.initJQuery = function(callback) { if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') { if (typeof $ == 'function') { document.longdoaccount.thisPageUsingOtherJSLibrary = true; } this.getScript('//login.loga.app//api/prettyPhoto/js/jquery-1.6.1.min.js', function() { if (typeof jQuery=='undefined') { document.longdoaccount.jq = 'failed'; document.longdoaccount.consoleLog('Error: Load jQuery Failed.'); } else { if (document.longdoaccount.thisPageUsingOtherJSLibrary) { document.longdoaccount.jq = jQuery; } else { document.longdoaccount.jq = jQuery.noConflict(); } } }); } else { document.longdoaccount.jq = jQuery; }; } this.initJSONP = function() { if (this.jsonp) { return; } this.jsonp = new JSONRequest(); //document.longdoaccount.jsonp.json_init(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]); } var fb_login_button_div_id = 'fb-login-button'; var gg_login_button_div_id = 'gg-login-button'; this.setFBLoginButtonID = function(id) { fb_login_button_div_id = id; } this.setGGLoginButtonID = function(id) { gg_login_button_div_id = id; } var facebook_app_id = '246718802847685'; var facebook_app_longdocards_id = '148173948530677'; var facebook_scopes = 'email,public_profile'; var facebook_required_fields_when_login = 'id,name,email'; var google_client_id = '143997539175-5304ci1cdrqmei1qrqhf11drg5q7s4us.apps.googleusercontent.com'; var google_client_secret = '4sadCoAab1eO30KYpPAfZwrQ'; var google_api_key = 'AIzaSyBB1gbmtus0vyI6ENA4HYtYA-acrrw8QVg'; var google_scopes = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me'; var googleHandleClientLoad = function() { // Step 2: Reference the API key gapi.client.setApiKey(google_api_key); window.setTimeout(checkAuth,1); } var checkAuth = function() { gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: google_client_id, scope: google_scopes, immediate: true}, handleAuthResult); } var handleAuthResult = function(authResult) { //var authorizeButton = document.getElementById('authorize-button'); if (authResult && !authResult.error) { //authorizeButton.style.visibility = 'hidden'; makeApiCall(); } else { //authorizeButton.style.visibility = ''; //authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick; } } var handleAuthClick = function(event) { // Step 3: get authorization to use private data gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: google_client_id, scope: google_scopes, immediate: false}, handleAuthResult); return false; } // Load the API and make an API call. Display the results on the screen. var makeApiCall = function() { // Step 4: Load the Google+ API gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', function() { // Step 5: Assemble the API request var request = gapi.client.plus.people.get({ 'userId': 'me' }); // Step 6: Execute the API request request.execute(function(resp) { var heading = document.createElement('h4'); var image = document.createElement('img'); image.src = resp.image.url; heading.appendChild(image); heading.appendChild(document.createTextNode(resp.displayName)); document.getElementById('content').appendChild(heading); }); }); } var username = ''; var passwd = ''; var getEleByID = function(id) { var ele = document.getElementById(id); return (ele ? ele : false); } var getEleByClass = function(className) { var ele = document.getElementsByClassName(className); return (ele ? ele : false); } this.ggLongdoRegis = function() { handleAuthClick(); } this.redirectPage = function(url) { window.location.replace(url); } var validateEmail = function(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); } this.getSocialParam = function(mode) { // obj / str if(!mode) { mode = 'str'; } var social_param = mode == 'obj' ? {} : ''; if (this.socialtoken) { if(mode == 'obj') { social_param['socialtoken'] = this.socialtoken; } else { social_param += '&socialtoken='+this.socialtoken; } } if (this.socialtoken_longdocards) { if(mode == 'obj') { social_param['socialtokenldcards'] = this.socialtoken_longdocards; } else { social_param += '&socialtokenldcards='+this.socialtoken_longdocards; } } return social_param; } this.processConnectedFacebookUser = function(user_rs) { var client_param = this.client ? '&client='+this.client : ''; var device_param = this.device_name ? '&device_name='+this.device_name : ''; device_param += this.model ? '&model='+this.model : ''; device_param += this.os_version ? '&os_version='+this.os_version : ''; device_param += this.uuid ? '&uuid='+this.uuid : ''; var social_param = this.getSocialParam(); //this.consoleLog(user_rs); if (!user_rs) { FB.api('/me?fields='+facebook_required_fields_when_login, function(response) { var email = response.email; if (email && validateEmail(email)) { if (/secure.longdo.com/.test(window.location.hostname)) { document.longdoaccount.redirectPage('https://secure.longdo.com/iregister/social.php?email='+email+client_param+device_param+social_param); } else { document.longdoaccount.jsonp.json_request('//login.loga.app/action/checksocialmail', 'email='+email+social_param, 'rs', 'document.longdoaccount.checksocialmail_ajax_callback(rs)'); } } else { if (/secure.longdo.com/.test(window.location.hostname)) { if(!email) { email = ''; } document.longdoaccount.redirectPage('https://secure.longdo.com/iregister/social.php?email='+email+client_param+device_param+social_param); } else { document.longdoaccount.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); document.longdoaccount.showLongdoLoginForm({txt: document.longdoaccount.getMessageByMsgCode('fbmail_invalid')+(email ? '
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' ' : '') +name; } } var removeClass = function(ele, name) { if (hasClass(ele, name)) { ele.className=ele.className.replace(new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+name+'(\\s|$)'),' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } } this.fbLongdoLogin = function(evt) { if (typeof evt != 'undefined') { var ele = evt.target || evt.srcElement || evt.toElement; if (ele && hasClass(ele, 'longdo-login-social-button-waiting')) { return; } } if (!FB) { setTimeout(function() { document.longdoaccount.fbLongdoLogin(evt); }, 200); } document.longdoaccount.showInfoMsgLongdoLogin(document.longdoaccount.getMessageByMsgCode('connecting_fb')); document.longdoaccount.disableButtonOnLoginForm(); document.longdoaccount.initialFacebook(); FB.login(function(response) { if (response.authResponse) { var fb_uid = response.authResponse.userID; var fb_accesstoken = response.authResponse.accessToken; if(document.longdoaccount.current_facebook_app_id == facebook_app_longdocards_id) { document.longdoaccount.socialtoken_longdocards = 'fb:'+fb_uid+':'+fb_accesstoken+':'+document.longdoaccount.current_facebook_app_id; } else { document.longdoaccount.socialtoken = 'fb:'+fb_uid+':'+fb_accesstoken+':'+document.longdoaccount.current_facebook_app_id; } var user = document.longdoaccount.checkConnectedFacebookUser(document.longdoaccount.getSocialParam()); } else { document.longdoaccount.enableButtonOnLoginForm(); document.longdoaccount.hideInfoMsgLongdoLogin(); } }, { scope: facebook_scopes}); } var initButtonStyle = function(type, ele) { ele.style.cursor = 'pointer'; ele.style.WebkitBorderRadius = '3px'; ele.style.borderRadius = '3px'; ele.style.MozBorderRadius = '3px'; ele.style.WebkitAppearance = 'none'; ele.style.height = '32px'; ele.style.lineHeight = '32px'; ele.style.color = '#FFF'; ele.style.margin = '0px auto 15px'; if (!ele.style.width) { ele.style.width = '220px'; } if(type == 'fb') { ele.style.background = '#4c69ba'; ele.style.background = '-webkit-gradient(linear, center top, center bottom, from(#4c69ba), to(#3b55a0))'; ele.style.background = '-webkit-linear-gradient(#4c69ba, #3b55a0)'; ele.style.background = '-moz-linear-gradient(top, #3b55a0, #4c69ba)'; 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} var user = document.longdoaccount.checkConnectedFacebookUser(document.longdoaccount.getSocialParam()); } }); } } var fb_initialed = false; this.initialFacebook = function() { if (typeof(FB) != 'undefined' && !fb_initialed) { this.initFBAppID(facebook_app_id); fb_initialed = true; if(this.fb_connected == 1) { this.setEventSubscribeFacebookUser(); } } else if (typeof(FB) == 'undefined') { setTimeout(function(){ document.longdoaccount.initialFacebook(); }, 200); } if(this.fb_connected == 1 && !document.getElementById('ld-fb-loading')) { var ld = document.createElement("div"); ld.id = "ld-fb-loading"; ld.style.fontFamily = "Helvetica"; ld.style.fontSize = "13px"; ld.style.color = "#537041"; ld.style.margin = "30px auto 50px"; ld.style.border = "1px solid #537041"; ld.style.width = "80%"; ld.style.padding = "5px 3px"; ld.style.textAlign = "center"; ld.style.backgroundColor = "#e0ffb7"; ld.style.lineHeight = "24px"; ld.innerHTML = "Please wait, connecting with Facebook .."; if(document.getElementById('signup-form')) { document.getElementById('signup-form').parentNode.insertBefore(ld, document.getElementById('signup-form').nextSibling); 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